Serving the Home Education community.

Home Education Support

First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm Terry Yaceyko. I'm happily married to Richard and we have 4 daughters (24, 19, 14 and 12). We have home schooled since 1991 and I am very passionate about Home Schooling and Home School Support Groups.

Through the years, I have received home school support in different ways.

At the top of the list would be support from God. Whenever I have struggled with a home schooling or parenting issue, I have prayed for wisdom (James 1:5 – 6). Sometimes it takes a while, but I have always been amazed at how God has answered my prayers in creative ways.

My husband continues to be a huge support for home schooling in my life and our home. I was talking to a friend today and she reminded me about how hard our husbands work so that we can stay home to home school our children. That alone is a big support for our home schooling. (I also pray for the home school moms and dads that are parenting and home schooling solo – it is tough, BUT do not forget that God is there for you as well, and will fill in where your spouse will or can not.... AND dear Home School Community, let's be there for the Home Schoolers around us. Do something to lighten their load.)

My older sister started home schooling the year before we did and has always been a huge support for home schooling in my life. We even lived in the same town for a few years and our children enjoyed Country Days (and more) with each other!

Originally published in the Fall 2010 issue of the Home Matters magazine.

I started our home education journey in the fall of 2005. I knew if I was going to have any success in this venture, I would need to be in touch with other homeschoolers for support. I was blessed to find online support with yahoo groups. It was great to be able chat with others who were also educating their kids outside the cultural norm. But I knew I needed more. I wanted to be able to meet up with others weekly. My kids were used to being with other kids for their whole life; as preschoolers, I ran a day home and then they went on to public school. So, to now go without kid interaction, they wouldn’t want to be home-educated for long. So one day, the idea of Mug Up was born.