Serving the Home Education community.



Meeting Held: April 16th, 2011 at 12:30 pm

1) Call to order by Ted Tederoff and the opening prayer by Dave Smid

Opening comments made by Ted Tederoff

2) Agenda presented by Ted Tederoff

3) Parliamentary rules given by Don Reid:

"Note a typo on the voting cards: they should read 2010, not 2011 as the year end for
AHEA runs from AGM to AGM (thus the 2011 year officially starts at the close of this
year's AGM").

4) Presentation of minutes from 2010 AGM

These were handed out to be read by all in attendance.
The question was raised as to whether these were the first copies made available. The
answer was, "No, they were also in the AHEA magazine, Home Matters."
Moved by Pat Brown, seconded by Chris Rogers. Motion passed.

5) Report of Directors

Ted Tederoff introduced and thanked all who made the convention possible. He stated
that even though there were differences of philosophies, the board still made good strides
this last year. There was a great enhancement made with the media.
The School Act was revisited again this year and was being prepared to be rewritten and
rebranded as the Education Act.

The convention team has done a great job once again. (Elizabeth McArthur, Bev
Swalwell, Sarah Hiebert, Cattie Kopp, Roxanne LaChance, Brenda Meers, and their
respective team/helpers). Winona Bowman was commended for the hard work in the
office and for keeping the record books so well done. Finally, thanks to all the board
members who volunteered their time.

The board participated in two trips with several members going to HSLDA event in
Ottawa in the fall and Chris Rogers went to go to Colorado in the summer to meet with
Kevin Swanson and other home education leaders form the USA.

Stewart Nelson gave a report as the government liaison.

This was handed out to all in attendance.

Warren Meers made a statement that his name was inadvertently included with his wife,
Brenda Meers as Volunteer Coordinator and that it was to be noted and rectified.
Warren Meers then asked how many times Stewart Nelson had met with the government.
Stewart stated that he had met with the government on three occasions. Warren then
voiced a concern about meeting with the government alone, stating that he believed there
should always be two people at every meeting and felt that this was lacking in the past.
Linda Toews addressed this concern and stated that there was another meeting planned
and would be attended by several people.

There was a question from the membership as to whether it was felt that we (AHEA) may
get left out of the debate.

Stewart suggested that all parents should contact their MLA's to make their voices heard.

Cam Swalwell had a Vice Presidents Report read that was also handed out in his absence.

Warren Meers asked what was the nature of the division of philosophy mentioned by Ted
Tederoff and questioned why Cam was not here to answer any questions in regards to his

President's Report by Ted Tederoff

Ted admitted that he had made mistakes throughout the year and was at times too lenient
to both those who agreed and those who didn’t so that he did not appear to be taking
sides. He really enjoyed representing AHEA in a discussion with Larry Booi (former
Alberta Teacher Association leader) on Alberta Primetime program on Access TV. He
stated that there were issues on the board that were not just philosophical but had to do
with personalities as well. Yet, in spite of the problems, the board still got a lot of things
done this year. The board needs to become more focused on the traditional homeschooler’s
while still supporting all choices made by parents in their home education
journey. Mike Farris warns about the coming of religious persecution.

[ These attacks may come in the form of three waves 1) Is home education legal? 2) Can children be
adequately educated academically and socially? 3) Whether parents have any rights with
respect to ‘indoctrinating’ their children with their religious and personal beliefs?].

We need to be very wary of giving up our rights and opening the door to the government's
controls. We need to look at the benefits and liabilities of public curriculum versus
private curriculum. Does the government have the parents best interests in mind? Will
AHEA be there to encourage families who do not conform to the government's pressure
and if not, who will be?

There is a motion that has been made to cap the board to a maximum of ten members and
it has good merits and will be coming up for a vote during this next year as we were not
able to act quickly enough for the AGM.

Thank all for allowing him to serve AHEA this year.

Kris Buchholtz made a statement from the floor that there seems to be confusion about
the government's definitions of home schooling and what is blended and what is aligned!
(Don Reid commented that the term "aligned" is not in the government's definitions!)
However, we do not need to fight for everyone's rights but we do need to fight for parent
directed and not government directed education.

Ben Hubert questioned the special resolution to limit the board to ten members and it was
stated that due to logistics and following the law of notification we were unable to hold it
at the AGM but would be dealt with some time in the year following the AGM.

6) Report of the Treasurer

The Financial Report was distributed.

Acceptance of audit:

Moved by Richard Yaceyko, seconded by Martin Vervloet. Motion passed.
Motion to leave membership fees at $15.00 Seconded by Chris Rogers. Passed.
Motion to hire professional auditors in 2011 Seconded by Ken Ward. Passed.
(It was suggested that Bill Logawake could be hired).

Election of Board of Directors:

Names to be presented on the ballot are as follows: Ted Tederoff, Shannon Tederoff,
Richard Yaceyko, Terry Yaceyko, Chris Rogers, Juanita Rogers, Cam Swalwell, Bev
Swalwell, Stewart Nelson, Linda Toews, Pat Brown, Patty Marler, and Paul van den
Bosch (from the floor).

The prospective board members were asked if they were traditional home educators: Ted, Shannon, Richard, Terry, Chris, Juanita, Patty Marler, Paul van den Bosch and Pat answered in the affirmative. Linda, Stewart, and Elizabeth answered that they were for parent directed home education. (Bev and Cam were not present). The prospective board members were also asked if they would exclude any one who used online or challenged departmental exams. There were none.

The meeting was extended to allow time for questions and the vote with the results being announced later in the afternoon in both the exhibit hall and the main venue. Passed.

Results of the election for the new board are as follows: Ted Tederoff, Shannon Tederoff,
Richard Yaceyko, Terry Yaceyko, Chris Rogers, Juanita Rogers, Pat Brown, Patty Marler,
and Paul van den Bosch.

Warren Meers made a motion "to have all future nominations made by the board and
brought to the membership for consideration at the AGM."

Don Reid informed Warren that he was within his rights to make the motion but the AGM was
not the appropriate place and was thus in inadmissible and it would have to be sent to the
board to be considered at a special meeting of the society.

AGM closed at 1:45 pm.