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What is the

Alberta Home Education Association?

AHEA: A Voice for Albertan Homeschoolers

A Voice for Albertan

AHEA acts as a liaison between home educators, the Provincial Government, and other organizations, with a focus on preserving the rights and freedoms of homeschooling parents in Alberta.

AHEA: A Home Education Support Resource

A Home Education
Support Resource

AHEA is committed to helping parents home educate their children. Gain access to a wide variety of articles, blog posts, and events, as well as a lively Facebook community.

An Amazing Convention

An Amazing

Gain access to a wide variety of speakers and resources at the biggest home education event in Alberta.


We would gratefully welcome your generosity in donating any financial support for AHEA’s year-round work lobbying, defending and promoting home education, and putting on our next Convention. Although these donations do not qualify for a tax-deductible receipt, we desire to continue making a difference for your home education family!

Recent Updates

Why Do We Homeschool?
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The Need for an Accurate Measure
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Unhurried Homeschooling: Why We Need to Slow Down
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Join the Community; Add Your Voice

Join the Community; Add Your Voice

Being a member of AHEA helps create a larger collective voice for Home Education advocacy in Alberta and involves you in a community that stretches across the province!

AHEA: A Home Education Support Resource

Stay Connected; Remain Informed

Get our regular email updates to stay informed on key issues facing Home Educators in Alberta.

An Amazing Convention

Get Involved; Place Your Vote

Members are eligible to vote in the election of the board, hold a position on the board, and have input and voting privileges on motions at AGMs and Special Meetings.


Associate Board or Assoc. Private (Independent) Schools