By Patty Marler on Wednesday, 07 March 2012
Category: Political Updates

Where Do We Go From Here?

Unfortunately, it does not appear that the Minister of Education, Thomas Lukaszuk understood the depth or breadth of the implications of s.16. Immediately after the rally Mr. Lukaszuk tweeted: “Attended a rally put on by some home schoolers who protest against human rights in education.”

It is extremely disappointing that Mr. Lukaszuk continues to misunderstand, misinterpret or misrepresent what we are saying. It is Alberta Human Rights laws imposed in every component of our education and in our homes that we oppose. Alberta Human Rights Legislation was never intended to be used that way.

In actuality, the starting gate gun has just been shot. As of today, we are running the race for our freedom. Our voice has finally been heard and there is concerted opposition. If our efforts die off now, the government will be convinced that they finally made us understand that we have nothing to worry about.

They are wrong.


The time is now to run the race in full force. We must not let the government think we agree or have given up. These changes are worth fighting for; freedom in our homes is at stake.

AHEA is supporting the amendments recommended by Wildrose Education Critic Rob Anderson. Mr. Anderson will move in the legislature that Bill 2, Education Act, be amended in the 8th recital of the Preamble, by striking out “parents have the right and the responsibility to make informed decisions respecting the education of their children” and substituting “parents have the paramount right and responsibility to make decisions respecting the education of their children” Mr. Anderson will also move that Bill 2, Education Act, be amended by striking out section 16 and substituting the following:


16 Education programs offered and instructional materials used in schools must not promote or foster doctrines of racial or ethnic superiority or persecution, religious intolerance or persecution, social change through violent action or disobedience of laws.

Call to Action of AHEA members:

1. Continue to contact your MLA, the Education Minister at 780-427-5010, and the Premier’s office at 780-427-2251 (toll free call 310-0000, then ask for the above number), and CALL EVERY DAY if possible. We have a window of approximately two weeks to have this Bill amended so we must be diligent and continue calling and e-mailing.

What to say:

-Ask if by Minister Lukaszuk has proposed in the legislature any amendments to Bill 2 as requested by home educators.

-Let them know you support the two Wildrose amendments to Bill 2 which will be proposed in the legislature.

- Ask what the rationale was for having s.16 included in Bill 2.

2. Call all your friends and let them know of the concerns and issues. Many are just becoming aware of the issue. They may sign up to receive the AHEA e-alerts on our website at

3. Reply to news articles. Replies made to editorial departments are often printed verbatim, so we have this opportunity to respond with clearly stated arguments.

4. On March 7, at 10:05a.m. Patty Marler, Government Liaison, will be the guest on the Rutherford show. If you should call, ask pointed questions which allow Patty to speak directly to the issues and shed light on the situation.

5. Once the amendments are introduced in the legislature, please call all 3 politicians again to indicate your support for inclusion of these amendments to Bill 2. Notification will be made on the AHEA website once the Wildrose proposes them in the legislature.