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Support Group Leader shares Logic and Critical Thinking Resources

Hi all,


Juanita Rogers from Calgary recently hosted a Support Group Meeting where a veteran Home School Mom shared her favorite resources for teaching Logic, Critical Thinking, and more.  I hope you enjoy reading the below!




Resources for Teaching Logic, Critical Thinking, Apologetics, Christian Worldview, Etc.


Our support group enjoyed learning from Lisa, a wise homeschool mother, who has graduated four children through traditional home education and is still home educating her last two. I admire the job she has done because her children are such strong believers and they are able to stand their ground and defend their faith with confidence.


Their family has been doing BSF Bible studies for 8 years now which has given them a solid base and has taught them to look at everything in light of God’s Word. Lisa mentioned that they like to use the King James Version or New King James Version for Bible study as they are the most accurate translations.


Summit Ministries provides excellent Christian worldview curriculum which Lisa’s family has used over the years to ground their children. As the children got older, they have sometimes met with other families and used Understanding the Times (Summit Ministries) as a group study.


Other resources Lisa uses for Biblical teaching, apologetics and Christian worldview are: Almighty Over All – Understanding the Sovereignty of God by R.C. Sproul Jr.; Ligonier Audio Series (Introductory Logic) by R.C. Sproul; Worldviews in Focus – Thinking Like a Christian – Understanding and Living a Biblical Worldview  by David Noebel and Chuck Edwards; Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell; Don’t Check Your Brains at the Door by Josh McDowell and Bob Hostetler; What if Jesus Had Never Been Born by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe; a variety of Answers in Genesis apologetics DVDs and books; and Character Sketches by Bill Gothard. They also read the writings of Spurgeon.


Lisa uses Teaching the Trivium by Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn, which gives a Christian perspective on classical education.  She shared that it is important to teach our children to divide fact from opinion. It is necessary to properly equip them so they do not get caught in foolish debates.


Some resources which Lisa uses to teach language skills are: Vocabulary from the Classical Roots by Norma Fifer and Nancy Flowers and English from the Roots Up by Joegil K. Lundquist and Grammar Songs.


Two other books which Lisa mentioned are: The Fallacy Detective by Nathaniel Bluedorn and Hans Bluedorn and How to Lie with Statistics by Darrell Huff.


I was greatly encouraged to focus on training our children to know the Bible and to be well educated in logic and apologetics. They need to be equipped to contend with the differing worldviews; our children need to have a strong Christian worldview in order to do so. Too many Christian youth are leaving their faith when they leave home. I hope this brief summary will encourage you and provide you with a list of helpful resources.

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