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Some tips on Home Schooling and Parenting Teens

I do try to keep blogging on a variety of topics.  It is hard sometimes because there is so much out there for little ones and elementary, BUT there are ideas and links for preteens and teens, too.

I loved this tip about Don't Micro Manage Your Teens.  She also wrote a great blog on Discipline for Middle Kids which I really enjoyed.  It's never too late to get some parenting tip or advice to help us with our children!

Here is a blog talking about the Home School Exodus of Jr and Sr High Children and some tips about how to keep home schooling through High School.  It is a decision we all have to make, and sometimes (ok, most times!) it isn't an easy one BUT it can be done!

Here are a couple of Discussion Starters to have with our older children:  10 Job Skills You Need Now, and New Professions, Growing Salaries.

AND here is a link for tired Home School Moms - 14 Things to Do When You Are Very Tired.  Smile.  I hope your summer is going well, and that you are getting the rest and rejuvenation you need to continue home schooling your children this fall.  You can do this!  God will help you do it!{jcomments off}

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