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Core Curriculum Recommendations for Elementary (Facebook suggestions)

*A New Home School Mom asked for curriculum recommendations for an 8 and 10 year old.
Here are some of the answers:
*Math U See, Galloping the Globe, Life of Fred
* is very helpful.
*This is a free online curriculum. You can adapt it how you like. It has excellent book suggestions, especially if you enjoy good literature and nature study.
*For Canadian social studies resources:
*Here is my list of favorites for the core subjects: Math: Saxon, Singapore math, Life of Fred, or A Beka. Social: Story of the World, Science: Real Science forÂÂ Kids or Exploring Creation by Apologia (if you are christian), and L.A. : Writing with Ease (writing), First Language Lessons (grammar)
*These are all good suggestions from you ladies! Isn't it true though that curriculum needs to be tried on? I went through a few over the years. Try one, if it works great, if not move on and try again! And I agree with keeping it fun and playing games...and the decompression time from school to homeschool is soooooo important! :)
* I recommend traditional homeschooling, rather than aligning, personally
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