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A fun writing extra for Home School moms and their big kids!

I am always looking for fun extras to add into our home educating day.  It is SO easy to get focused on just the academics and forget about having fun together or even *bonding* with our children. 

So, I keep the idea of *fun extras* in mind while I am surfing and I do spend a bit of time looking for ones that fit our family and our children.

The below is one such extra.  Easy and fun for our older children.  AND an easy way to do some extra writing!

I think it is just a hoot to do and a fun record of where the girls and I were - on a certain day.  I tend to print 3 or 4 copies of each page at a time (divide them into different file folders for each day and I), and then let the girls choose which one they want to do out of their personal file folder.  Then the finished version can go into their portfolio or into a binder, as they choose.

They are printable journaling pages (print in color or in black and white if you want to color them).  She has fill in the blank journal prompts intermingled with to do lists, lightning rounds that you can just circle your favorites and more....  Today she is up to 39 different pages that you can print.

Why not check these Printable Journal Pages out?

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