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Have you prayed for Slave Lake families today?

It sure has been tough lately with all the natural disasters there have been - I have found it quite overwhelming at times.  BUT I try to remember the tip I shared on this blog - pray for those going through hard times.  In that case, I was referring to the people of Japan.

Recently Slave Lake in Alberta has been in the news and I hope that, at the very least, we are praying for the people of Slave Lake.  Being home schoolers ourselves, it is easy to pray specifically for the home educators that lost their homes OR are waiting to get back to (perhaps) a smoke damaged home.   Let's continue to pray for them (and all Slave Lake families) in the weeks ahead.

If anyone knows of any home schooling families that are in need of curriculum or other things, please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and perhaps we can do something practically to help.

AND ending on a geography note, let's also continue praying for those who were in the tornado's path in the States, as well.  Point out the States / cities / areas affected on maps.  Research how tornado's start and stop.  DO something to help someone in need today.  Our children are all watching and I think what we do speaks so much louder than what we say sometimes!

Happy Home Schooling!{jcomments off}

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