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What Things Would You Change if You Could Go Back and Start Home Schooling Over?

This was another question asked on the AHEA Facebook Page.
*I would have relaxed more (esp. with younger kids) and just enjoyed learning. It took me so long to realise hiking, baking, and even chores (!!) were learning experiences, too - we didn't have to be doing workbooks at the table to be learning....
*Well since I would have started I would change the way we learned. I was so worried that I needed it to be just so. I also didn't realize that much of everyday life is where she learned the most.
*I wish I had spent more time on character building.... This blog says a lot of what I am thinking tonight: Beyond the Textbooks
*I would have to agree with both of you; I would definitely have been more relaxed with my firstborn (and first to be homeschooled). I've been way more relaxed with my second (of our two) child and its gone much, much better.
*I actually would have been more rigorous from the start, with more structure.
*I would have quit focusing on others expectations of what learning should look like and trusted my instinct sooner. Instead of worrying about content, I would have focused more on making the process of learning, fun, experiential, and interactive from the beginning. It's so much easier to homeschool when the child is excited about it.
*I wish I had been more patient and relaxed when we first started hs-ing (I was one stressed out mama), but there are also things I wish we had focused a little more on these past few years.
*I'm extremely thankful we started Home Schooling when our oldest started K.
*My biggest regret is not focusing more on character building in the beginning. Also, I wish that I had paid more attention to Charlotte Mason, although I do realize I wasn't ready to adopt her philosophy 5 years ago. Home Schoolng is definitely a journey that is different for everybody
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