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Support Group Leader - Stephanie Fehler from Hinton Shares!

I"m the support group leader for Hinton.
What works for us is the annual potlucks - we do one around Christmas usually, in the spring, and at the end of the school year.  Not all three every year, but a few every year.  This seems to work well for most families as it is a minimal commitment.   We all bring something to share, and meet in a church basement :) - We have a table to show projects/ student work/whatever they'd like.  Usually we have a little program, too, where little people can play their piano pieces or say a poem they memorized, if they want.
Challenges - we are a *very* small group, with the whole range of ages (toddlers to high schoolers), so co-ops haven't taken off.  What we've done instead is join community efforts - for instance, the children's choir has four homeschool *families* in it :)...  We also try to attend their performances in the arts festival...
I think in our community, people tend to be pretty self sufficient, so there is not a huge enthusiasm for the regular support group type thing, although we did have Saturday mornings at McDonald's for awhile - not hugely attended...  
We do have a facebook page (Hinton Home Educators) and a blog ( - and people do seem to use them, but not post much on them...
stephanie fehler in Hinton :){jcomments off}
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