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Support Group Leader - Marianne van der Ahe shares!

Hi all,

One of the highlights from the AHEA Convention 2011 for me, was the Support Group Session where a few different support group leaders shared about their groups and what worked for them.  Marianne was one of the ladies who shared and I am so thankful she took time to type up some notes and share them with us!  Enjoy!



Home School Christian Fellowship, Edmonton        


             Our group has been around since 1983.  We currently have about 60 member families, and usually get between 25-45 people at our monthly meetings.  We meet at a church once a month, with volunteers bringing snacks, making coffee, and setting up.  We have a sign-up sheet out at the first meeting of the year so people can sign up for these tasks and also volunteer to organize a meeting.  We usually have a speaker come, and also time for fellowship.  We have an “on-time draw” for a book to encourage people to arrive on time!


            We publish a membership list so we can find each other, and it also lists the children with their ages so families can find friends for their kids.  Field trips are organized and we have park days throughout the summer.  This past winter we had games afternoons as well.  We have a website where all this info is on the calendar (, a newsletter, and a Yahoo group to tell everybody about exciting stuff!  HSCF has an extensive library which is stored in folding bookcases at the church where we meet. 


            Some of our meetings are the same each year.  In December we have a Christmas program where kids and families can show their talents.  In March we have a used curriculum sale, so people can shop for used items before the Convention in Red Deer.  April is the Science and Heritage Fair.  May is the annual AGM (required since we are incorporated with Alberta Registries), and June is Track and Field!  We also have Graduation ceremonies for interested parents and graduates.  Events like the Christmas program and the Science Fair are wonderful opportunities for extended family members to come and see what home-educated kids can do!


            Because we are a registered society, we have an executive and Board, and have Board meetings twice per year.  We charge a $35 membership fee to cover costs of renting the church, honorariums for speakers, event costs, and additions to the library. 


            Some of our favourite meeting topics have been Learning Games (hands-on demonstrations of different games), Encouragement/Motivation, Panel of experienced home-schoolers (Q and A), Getting Started, Learning Styles/Character Differences, and Records and Portfolios.


            Over the years, we have also organized band, art classes, science classes, swimming lessons, and Toastmasters.


            I have been a member of this group for 19 years now, and it was a life-saver when I began home-educating.  Now it’s good to get together with friends who have been part of my life for a long time!

 Marianne van der Ahé

President, HSCF     {jcomments off}

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