Serving the Home Education community.

1 minute reading time (149 words)

How Many Bookshelves Do You Have in Your Home?

This was just a fun little survey on the AHEA Facebook Page. It was inspired by this article - Owning Two of What Indicates Your Children Will Do Well in School.

Question: How many bookshelves do you have in your home?


*Oh dear. I never actually counted my bookshelves before. I think I might have a problem. :0) In my house, there are 18 bookshelves!

*7 that I would count plus baskets strewn around with books!

*6 that are 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide!

*Wow, I actually have 14!!

*We have 12. Not including cupboards and other little nooks that also hold books :)

*11, plus a small sling back book shelf, plus built in shelves in the bedrooms, plus cupboards...


Smile - I gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes to the winners, BUT I noted we all win with homes full of bookcases! Smile

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