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Home School (and More) Links for Today

I am not sure how you are today, but I find I always enjoy reading encouraging articles any time of the year.  Here are a few of the best links I have seen in the last 6 weeks.  (Smile - just cleaning out my inbox)

5 Ways to be Home School Teacher of the Year - Really, these are just the basics to make our home schooling run well.  It's a good reminder.

What do you do when Curriculum Isn't Working?  Check out this link for some great tips.  Never hesitate to change a curriculum or home school activity that isn't working. 

Love, love, love this post - Peace Over Productivity.  What a great reminder about what is really important....

Home School Mom - how are you doing today?  Are you tired?  Here is a post on Fatigue Fighters that was a great read.  If it connects with you, why not print it off OR share with a friend.  There are things we can do to up our energy!

I sometimes feel like I post a lot for home school moms of littles, but I think that homeschooling with littles can be one of the hardest things we do as home school moms AND can make us feel like quitting the most.  Here is a post for moms that have a new baby and are a bit discouraged about how much they are accomplishing each day.  The Baby is the Lesson.   Great link and article.

Here are some misc. great links that might help you home school better:  Worldbook Course of Study - a great online resource of what our kids need to know by when, Mission Focused Parenting - reminding us to be purposeful about discipling our children, 17 Pieces of Advice for My Niece - great article for our big kids to read and think about, Mommy and Me Bookclub - such a good idea - preschool book club with picture books and activities.

While I actually have more links to share, my time is up.  Have a great day home schooling!{jcomments off}


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