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Great Educational Extras Online

Wow, it is really important to know yourself, hey? I am either a *do a lot* or *do nothing* blogger. I don't do a *little* well. I have been busy - like all of you, I am sure, getting back to home schooling our children this fall. Just been busy - getting everything going and done.

BUT September has been a great month already! We have gone full speed ahead with our home educating plan. I have added in some online educational links for our girls - all of which are working well. (Both of them are already blogging - a great writing extra!

One of the first things I did this fall was this great Learning Assessment for all of us.
Both of our girls like Free Rice - It is great for review. They keep track of how many grains of rice they earn a day - almost always aim for 500 to 1000 grains of rice. (You earn 10 grains of rice for every right answer and the rice you earn is donated to needy people in third world countries. Neat idea.) I encourage them to try different sections often.
One daughter LOVES Lumosity, which is like a brain gym / logic website. It isn't a free website (most of the others mentioned here are free), but it has been a wonderful extra in our home.
I also signed up for a Canadian Current Events Newsletter through our Home School Board. It is pretty affordable - $20 per student. There are 3 different age categories. We have really enjoyed the discussions and activities we have done for the first newsletter. (I know I looked at the first newsletter and was praying about how to include it in our month. There are 36 pages - on 4 different topics. I realized the easiest way for us, would be to cover one topic a week and that is working really well for us! ) The first topic was on the Tsunami in Japan, and the biggest Garbage Patch in the World - out in the Ocean. That was horrific to see and has really inspired us to cut down on our plastic purchasing.
They also are doing a Bible Study online with . It is non-denominational and looks really good. There are different levels for the different ages AND your children can do it online OR have the lessons mailed out.
I'm also thinking of Spark Teens, which covers nutrition, exercise tracking and more. It looks good, too.
They have never done this much online, but they are both older and I think all of the above websites have value. They are great extras. (Oh, and I trust our girls to do what they are supposed to be doing. ALWAYS pay attention to what your children are doing online!) Happy Home Educating!
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