Serving the Home Education community.

1 minute reading time (142 words)

Check out *Animal School*!

I'm not sure where you are in your educational journey OR on your educational journey with your children, but I'd strongly encourage everyone to watch Animal School and think about what that means to you personally and what it means concerning each of your children.

I know the first time I saw it, it hit me very hard. 

One of the best things about Home Educating our children, is our ability to treat them as individuals and to encourage each of them in the way they should go.  As you watch it, why not pray that God would speak to your heart about what you need to do for AND with your children, and if homeschooling is part of it.  If it is, check out the other blogs on the site - there is a lot of encouragement and tips available.  {jcomments off}

What does it mean to home educate under the Home E...

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