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Another Reason to Home School - Protect Your Children's Innocence

I forget about this reason sometimes, but someone reminded me of it the other day. 

We had gone to the Home School Swim in our area and I was visiting with another home schooler, while our kids were playing together.  I don't know her at all and it was interesting hearing how they home school their children.  She commented on the home schooled teenage girls in the pool and said they still have their innocence.  I said "Really?" and she said "Oh, Yes." and then she shared the below.

She shared about a friend of hers who doesn't homeschool and has a fourteen year old daughter in school.  That mom was sharing about some of their ongoing struggles amd had shared with the home school mom what her daughter asked her about the other day - which was a topic of discussion in her class that week.

I can't even tell you what the topic was here, but our mouths were open (after she shared) in shock and I was incredulous that would be a discussion with older teenagers OR adults, much less younger teenagers.  VERY inappropriate.  Very inappropriate. 

*By the way, we live in rural Alberta.  The small city that girl was going to school in, was a small city.  Not Edmonton.  Not Calgary.  Not even Red Deer.  We agreed that the easy internet access via phones and in homes has brought the filth of the world into homes.  None of our children have cell phones and it certainly is something to moniter if families do have them. 

AND we both agreed that we liked our children - even our younger and older teenagers - having that innocence about life. 

I know I hadn't thought about it lately, but it hit me pretty hard.  I love that others can see innocence in our kids.  I love that they aren't being exposed to inapporpriate thoughts / discussions / activities daily and that they have a purity about them. 

It's just one more reason to home school our children!{jcomments off}

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