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1 minute reading time (242 words)

A Great Question! What Counts As Home Schooling?

A friend shared "What Counts As Home Schooling?" on an elist, earlier this morning and I loved it. My response was:

Loved this article! That is how we have lived and home schooled. I can remember when we brought our oldest daughter home and thinking that home schooling only counted when we sat down at the kitchen table with workbooks. Took about 6 months to realise nature walks counted, baking and measuring counted, writing letters counted and so much more.

I'm actually beginning to think discussions matter more than we think (especially WITH our big kids) AND I try to include them every day / week. I like having a paper trail, but a lot of the best home educating is paper free. smile (I still keep a record of a lot of our discussions - what we talked about, why, and some of the comments....)
I would also recommend checking out this link - Include Bible Study in Your Home Schooling - That isn't the name of it, BUT that is what I got out of it. SO many of us are home educating our kids AND praying that their spiritual lives and moral character are strong. Include the Bible in your home school. Bring your faith and Christian beliefs into every discussion and every subject. Make Christianity real. As we do this, our children will grow spiritually strong in their faith and in their academics. {jcomments off}
What does it mean to home educate under the Home E...

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