September 29, 2016

Over the past several years, AHEA has been working with home education school authorities to address auditing challenges which had the potential to severely limit the school authority choices home educators would have.

On Friday, September 23, 2016, Patty Marler and Paul van den Bosch from AHEA met with representatives from Minister Eggen's office and from Alberta Education and learned that Alberta Education's response has been the development of guidelines for resource reimbursement, guidelines which have not yet been made public.

AHEA will keep you informed as these reimbursement guidelines go through the approval process within the Ministry of Education.

AHEA also learned:

- Minister Eggen has decided that no retroactive financial claw backs to any home education supervising authorities will be occurring.

- The freedom and ability to home educate, AHEA's primary focus, has not been affected in any way with this reimbursement document.

- There will be no penalties for home educating students taking post-secondary studies, but there will also not be any financial reimbursement for these studies.

Home educators should note the following financial resource reimbursement eligibility requirements which are not changing from current practice:

- The necessity to have a program plan (as required in the home education notification form)

- There must be link between the program plan and the educational item purchased

- Receipts are required in order for items to be considered for reimbursement

- Reimbursements are for Grades 1-12 materials only

In summary, Minister Eggen listened to the concerns of home educators regarding financial clawbacks and has developed guidelines for moving forward, not retroactively.