By Patty Marler on Thursday, 11 October 2012
Category: Political Updates

Human Rights Ruling affects Toronto District Schools

October 11, 2012
The practicality of human rights commission rulings hit education hard last week in Toronto.  The Toronto District School Board has implemented a policy which allows any individual who is ‘feeling’ a different gender than they were ‘assigned at birth’ to use the public school washroom of their gender choice.  No medical documentation to ‘prove’ their gender is required and no individual may question a person’s motives for using a bathroom inconsistent with their ‘gender assigned at birth’.
Practical Application: The practical application of this policy is that anyone on Toronto District property can use any bathroom at any time.  During school hours, Toronto District parents are faced with the reality that ‘physical’ men and older boys will be welcome to use the same bathroom as their little girls.
Where did this new Policy come from?  A Human Rights Commission ruling
Ryan Bird, Communications Officer for the Toronto Disctrict School Board responded to the question of “Where did this policy come from?”  He stated, “... this came out of a mediation decision from the Ontario Human Rights Commission last year between the TDSB and a student. So this is coming out from the Ontario Human Rights Commission.  So we are taking our lead from them in putting together these guidelines.”
Human Rights Commissions non-judicial rulings ARE affecting education in a significant way.
What can we do in Alberta?
1.Tell people about the new policies in Toronto and about how human rights commission rulings are affecting the overall society in a profound way. Alberta’s Department of Education is still considering imbedding the Alberta Human Rights Act into the Provincial Education Act. Ask people to call their MLA to voice their opposition to this.

2.Learn more about Provincial and Federal human rights legislation and speak to your MLA about your concerns.
3. Contact your MLA to voice  your opposition.  To find your MLA, click