February 22, 2012
Bill 2 Education Act has been tabled in the provincial legislature.  Home Educators across the province have been active in lobbying the Provincial Government that specific  anguage be used when defining home education, and Bill 2 Education Act has not reflected the requested amendments.  Minister Lukaszuk clearly heard the request that a home education program be removed from the list of definitions of a school.  In a letter written to AHEA’s Government Liaison, Patty Marler, Mr. Lukaszuk clearly outlined why this request was denied.  He stated, “Home Education is included in the definition of “school” because this definition addresses both the principle of a structured learning environment with expected educational outcomes and the principle of parent’ right and responsibility to make education choices for their children.”
(x) “school” means a structured learning environment through
which an education program is offered to a student by
(i) a board,
(ii) a person responsible for the operation of a private
(iii) a person providing an early childhood services
(iv) a parent providing a home education program, or
(v) the Minister;
Home educators can appreciate and respect this position.  However, the fundamental reason for home educators not wanting to be included in the definition of a school in this Education Act has not been addressed.
The concern of home  schoolers is that #16, Diversity and Respect is very specific wording, and too specific to reasonably serve a Legislative Act.  It clearly provides opportunities to impose curriculum and practises upon all schools in Alberta, whereby special interest groups will have leverage to actively promote alternate lifestyles.  
Diversity and respect
16 All courses or programs of study offered and instructional
materials used in a school must reflect the diverse nature and
heritage of society in Alberta, promote understanding and respect
for others and honour and respect the Canadian Charter of Rights
and Freedoms and the Alberta Human Rights Act.
Being defined as a school, a home where education is being provided would be even more limited than the average home.
- Home schooling is not limited to particular places and times, so this legislation would have authority over all family activities, all day and night.
- Homes would have no more autonomy than public schools to promote values and lifestyles contrary to those promoted and protected by special interest groups.  The Alberta Human Rights Act and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms have been used to severely limit the freedom of conscience of individual citizens.  This
level of limiting freedoms could now be imposed upon the daily lives of home educating families.  
It is our understanding that it is not the intention of the Minister of Education, Honourable Thomas Lukaszuk, to control the conscience of parents and the moral or religious practises and teachings in their home.  However, should Bill 2 Education Act become legislation with Part 2, Section 16 intact as it now is, home educators would be at significant risk.  Individuals or groups with special interest agendas could take action against home educating families by utilizing this section of the Act.
We recommend individuals lobby for deletion of Part 2, Section 16 “Diversity and Respect” as the component of Bill 2 Education Act which requires deletion.  Should this
section be struck out, a home education program being defined as a school would be much more palatable.
For more information, please see HSLDA’s article: Political Correctness Gone Mad (Alberta Alert - Call Needed Immediately)
http://www.hslda.ca/blog .