By Patty Marler on Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Category: Political Updates

Budget References and Clarifications

The following information is provided to further explain the information provided by AHEA president, Paul van den Bosch.

Change in home education funding format

The home education funding rates are as follows:

2014/2015: $1,641.27

2015/2016: $1,635.67Accredited Funded Private Schools

2015/2016: $1,664.88 School Jurisdiction (i.e. Public/Catholic School)

While the monetary difference in funding rates is insignificant, 2015/2016 marks the first time that funding allocation is dependent upon where a family notifies of their intent to home educate.  This is contrary to the philosophy developed with the first Home Education Regulation where it was agreed that home education funding should not be dependent on where the parent notifies.  The 2015/2016 funding structure signifies a fundamental change in the way home educators are treated by Alberta Education. 


Funding freeze/cap

Alberta Education has implemented a funding cap on all schools including home education programs.  The 2015/2016 Funding Manual states:

Funding Allocation Changes

For the 2015/2016 school year, funding to School Jurisdictions, Private ECS Operators and Accredited Funded Private Schools will be based on the lower of their 2014/2015 or 2015/2016 frozen funded enrolment – student enrolment growth will not be funded.

Alberta Education predicts that student enrolments will increase in Alberta by 12 000 students.

According to the Home Education Regulation, not less than 50% of the home education funding received by jurisdictions and private schools must be made available to parents of a child.  As home education funding is allocated PER STUDENT,  it is appears that families currently with a board would receive funding in 2015/16 but new families would not."

Post Secondary Courses Disallowed for Home Educators

In the recent weeks and months, independent contract home education supervisors/providers (ICHES) have had the student funding retroactively withdrawn if a student was enrolled in a post secondary course -this includes the complete student funding for both the student and the school board portions.  Both AHEA and ICHES have been told that home education students are not allowed to enroll in post secondary courses with no explanation being given as to why this new interpretation is being applied.  This is especially confusing when dual credit strategies are being developed and encouraged for students attending brick and mortar schools. ÂÂÂ