By Shawna Sundal on Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Category: Political Updates

Bill 24 Injunction Appeal - Court and Continuing to Pray

 Last Monday morning was our long awaited day in court for the Bill 24 Injunction Appeal at the highest court in Alberta. I appreciate that you may or may not have read my brief and quickly written report right after being in court. You may have seen some of the news reports, which I will include for your reference below as well. I realized that one of the things that people may be less familiar with is that being in the Court of Appeal has a different focus than an initial hearing. The focus of the case is typically to convince the panel of three justices that they have grounds to overturn the decision of the lower court judge. Thus, it is more of a technical argument than you would have heard at the lower court, although the Appellants had applied to introduce a significant amount of new evidence.

On Monday, the JCCF had to focus on the task above, as well as make an argument for the admissibility of new evidence. Jay Cameron introduced two affidavits from children, amongst other items, who gave eye-witness testimony accounts about their personal experiences within GSA's. One of the striking things that was shared from those testimonies was that the promised popularity quickly evaporated when that child asserted they would identify in accordance with their biological sex. Another child was sadly given much information about how to have sex and given encouragement via cartoons and provisions, but it was only when these items were found by their mom that they were clearly advised of the very real and relevant health risks they could face. "The Government has mandated secrecy and abdicated responsibility." Jay stated forcefully. "Who," he asked, "will ultimately be responsible when something goes wrong? The government? The school? Parents?" Jay also argued that the Minister's actions had obviously belied the basis for the previous judgment and showed very clearly that the schools are facing a clear and present threat from the Minister. He provided the Trans Mountain Pipeline case in brief, and highlighted the required studies and consultations required in order to proceed with the project to protect environmental and indigenous interests, yet the Alberta government proceeded with Bill 24 absent any consultations or studies regarding the impact on children of restricting parental involvement. The court was visibly surprised and unable to miss the connection and comparison to our children as our greatest resource. (I'm still smiling about that one!)

The Crown appeared to be on the defensive, and proceeded to make statements which directly contradicted the guidelines and requirements that the current government has put in place. They were often interrupted by probing questions from the Appeal Justices, who evidenced concern regarding the immediate impact on the schools. The government also argued, as the Minister has publicly done, that the Appellate schools could and should comply with the legislation because other religious schools had complied. The Calgary Sexual Health Centre, made an argument that, although passionate, was surprisingly void of an actual legal framework. The claim that granting an injunction would send 'harmful and hurtful signals' was crafted to evoke an emotional response from the bench. In the mere 10 minutes provided for his closing argument, Jay was able to touch on the incongruity of the Crown's argument that parents could be told, but that they were not being told, due to government policies, as well as point out that schools complying out of fear was not the same as complying because they agreed with the mandated policies. He stated that, 'Schools are being forced to agree to withhold information from parents in order to obtain funding' and are being 'compelled, in order to be accredited'. He also drove home the point that there is "scant comfort" in getting a judicial review an average of two years after the initial complaint once you have already been closed.

Of course, much is left unsaid that you wish you could say or would have liked to have heard said. But the fact of the matter is that all the evidence is before the court, should they choose to avail themselves of it. Boxes of materials have been provided and the truth is in there. Now, before I move on to some specific prayer items, some have asked why or how this affects home schoolers. The fact is that, just like the private school families who are now either with a compliant or non-compliant board, so too are home school families. Our collective fate will be affected by this judgment, no matter what happens, and there will be reverberations felt throughout the community we share. When a private school, which has a home education administration attached to it, may be shut down by Alberta Education, this directly affects those who are registered at both the brick and mortar school and the home education program. We are seeing the response of families in both positions either moving away from the situation to something with more certainty, or using it as a show of support, with attendance increasing. I know that all of the people in leadership are informed about this topic and are willing to answer your careful questions, so look at the information and reach out to them directly. Please take seriously the opportunity to have conversations about this with those around you, in your community, families and at work. It's amazing how many people are still unaware of the basic facts of what this new law entails. There is so very much to pray for!



Whew! That seems like a lot when you lay it out. It will be good to be praising and praying with you until we hear of a decision, whenever in the new year that may be!

Here are some of those articles to read or share. Please consider thanking Licia Corbella and her editor Monica Zurowski for their coverage at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

​​​​Parents, faith-based schools argue in court that GSA's spread harmful 'gender ideology'

Religious schools argue GSA act violates parental rights and values

Gay-straight alliance law challenged at Alberta Court of Appeal

Corbella: Some alarming revelations about two GSA's at Alberta Court of Appeal

Alberta court hears that children were taken out of school by "facilitators" to Gay-Straight conferences without parental knowledge

Corbella: Court of Appeal hearing gets conflicting views of GSA rules

Gay-Straight Alliances, Secrecy, and the Public Trust

And just in case you thought that you ever really had any parental rights, you will find it interesting that the latest from this author calls them 'so-called "parental rights." ' It's laughable really…

Opinion: GSA's are on Alberta's frontlines in battle against hate

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Religious freedoms under threat in North America 

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