Did you know that you have the right to bring your child home at any time? No matter what school they are in, or what funding you have received? (This includes even changing from one Supervising Authority - aka Home School Board - to another Supervising Authority.)

I had a dear friend who hadn't decided to home educate her daughter by Sept. 1. They decided to try out the local public school, because it was where her husband went to school and they weren't completely sold on home education at that time. Their daughter did go to school (busing and all) and through the fall, they realised that they wanted to bring her home.

They notified with a friendly Supervising Authority (who supported their right to home educate their child) and started home educating in early January of that year.

I don't know who is reading this, but I did want to encourage you to know that you (and your child) have choices. There are two or three Supervising Authorities who will support your right to bring your child home *at any time of the year* and will allow you to notify with them.  (Editing this to add - you might have to supply a donation of $xxx to notify with them after the funding deadline.  Nov. 2012)

(The Funding Deadline in Alberta is Sept. 30 and wherever your child is at that time, that school or Supervising Authority gets funding for them. So the friendly Supervising Authorities that totally support your right to home educate do it without Government funding IF you change schools during the school year.)

I also wanted to encourage you to do some research. Check out the different philosophies of home education. Which one suits your family best? Pray about bringing your child home. Think about how you will make it work. Set up a routine that will help you achieve your goals. AND look for some home education support system to help you on your journey - it can be online or in real life. Check out Home School Legal Defense, too!

If your child needs to come home, then do it. You can make home education work in your home.

Oh, and please note that you MUST have notified with a Supervising Authority before taking your child out of school - otherwise they are truant. Don't do that!

(My friend? Is she still home educating? You bet! It has been 4 or 5 years. They added in the two younger boys when it was time and continue to love the freedom of Classical Home Education.)

It's a hard decision. We all make it. I had to give up my free time and really *serve* my children through home education, BUT it has been the one best decision my husband and I have ever made AND it turned our eyes and hearts to home.

(Just editing this to add, that a staff member of a Supervising Authority told me that the Supervising Authority always has the option to not accept a family part way through a year. That is something to know, too. But keep phoning and asking the different Supervising Authorities, if that is what your family needs to do, until you find one that will let you notify with them.)