I continue thinking about home educating our children and blogging here.  smile  It's really so enjoyable for me.  I love it......  I've had a bit of insomnia over the past couple of weeks and have spent some time thinking quietly in bed, rather than getting up at 4:00 in the morning.  It's been quite a valuable time for me.  I tend to do a lot of brainstorming thinking about AHEA and blogging.

Anyway, one night recently, I was thinking about what I could get passionate about.....  There are so many topics, you know!

AND I thought of all the reasons we bring our children home to home educate them.  That's a great topic to blog about!

Sooooo - what is your #1 reason for bringing your children home to home school? 

I actually have so many - BUT I will start with *just one*.  Not even the one that is most important, but just *one* of the reasons we brought our oldest daughter home AND have kept home educating our children over the past 20 years....  (I'll share more reasons in the weeks and months ahead!)

I guess my first reason would be:  Because I love them AND want to spend time with them.    PERIOD.

That one single reason alone is worth all the time and effort it takes to home school our children at home.  It is worth it to me AND to my husband.  I hope it is also worth it to you!{jcomments off}