By Terry Yaceyko on Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Category: Support Group Ideas

Have you attended a Home School Support Group Meeting Lately?

I host a Home School Support Group Meeting in our home often, and I often take notes of our meetings to share with the ladies who cannot attend.  Smile
Those notes are from our February Meeting and I hope you are encouraged by a tip or a link shared below!
I had a friend tell me lately how much she misses her Home Education friends (her *kindred spirits*).  Her children are just about all graduated and she doesn't spend much time with Home Educators anymore.  She told her husband recently how much she is missing them.
SO - if it has been a while since you saw some HSers and visited, why not put that on your to - do list for February  or March?  Host a family for a games afternoon or share a potluck together.  It's a good thing.  smile
Anyway, on to our meeting.  The topics were:  Hsing with love OR Escaping the February Doldrums.
Mom1 said that she and her husband had determined BEFORE they started homeschooling that they wanted their children to look back on their HSing with fond memories, so that affects how they HS.  They make sure that goal is being reached and talk about it weekly.
Their children were getting a bit of cabin fever lately, so she switched their Home Educating around.  They are doing more games, listening to more music and even dancing some.  She is also enjoying spending one on one time with each child and encouraged the parents present to think about doing that a bit.
They continue to enjoy maps she has placed under a clear tablecloth on the dining room table.  There was a bit of discussion about what else could go under there, too.  Pictures, scrapbook pages, pictures the kids have colored - you choose.  Make it fun!
She also shared about Pizza Box Salt Maps.  I LOVE this idea.  Very cool.   She said her children did one imaginary country, one map of Middle Earth (smile) and one real.  She loves the fact that they can be displayed and then closed up and packed neatly on a shelf.
I know my neices made a salt map of Egypt years ago and it was great fun for then.  (Made a great scrapbook page, too!)  smile
Mom2 shared that she is an intense mom and sometimes finds it hard to NOT be intense when HSing. (A few other moms nodded in agreement.)  She works hard on relaxing and not being intense.  Her girls love dancing as a stress reliever, and they also pray a lot. 
(This discussion made me think of Tiger Moms and some recent articles I had read:  Why Chinese Mothers are Superior  AND there is a whole thread on the Five In A Row website that is interesting to read, too.
Mom1 also shared a friend's blog - Along Came the Boys (and other moms were nodding in agreement).
A couple moms have had a discouraging day or two lately.  So there was a lot of encouragement shared.  Everyone was encouraged by one HS mom who said she has been making it a priority to get out and walk every day - even for a short time in this cold weather.
Teaching Tip - If your child is reading aloud from a book and has more than 5 mistakes per page, the book is too hard for them.  Get an easier book for them to practice their oral reading with....
Another mom encouraged us to vary easy / hard teaching.  If something is too hard, break it up with easier assignments.  If it is too easy, add in a harder assignment.
Mom6 encouraged us to look at the glass half full, not half empty.  BE more positive daily.  She is enjoying her Home School Devotional Book - Daily Focus and read us one of the thoughts that hit her hard this week.  She also encouraged us to not let our older kids tell our younger kids they can't read.  Those small comments can keep the younger kids from trying.  (Sometimes, the big kids are frustrated with the little kids reading during games or assignments - step between and assist.)  Relationships with siblings is a powerful thing.
"Are you building people up OR tearing them down?"  Several moms use a version of this quote in their home.  One mom shared that for every negative comment, a child NEEDS to hear 7 positive ones.  It's something to think about and implement in our homes.
Another mom shared about Book (FREE Shipping).   She highly recommends it.   AND her show and tell was a Latin Program - Lingua Latina  She also brought 2 Dr. Seuss books in Latin and a couple of moms were very tickled to find out the latin rhymned, too.  smile  (I've shared with friends that you only see something like that at a Home School Support Group Meeting!  smile  Latin, anyone?)
Another mom said her children have been enjoying painting with Blow Pens and made a lot of pictures recently with them.  Here is a homemade version.  smile
Mom4 has been taking daily walks with her children for the PAST 100 days.  Wow.  And the kids are keeping a log of the weather, as well as drawing something now and then.  It's been good to get outside, even for a short time together.
Mom5 shared Qwirkle  (GREAT strategic game that gets you thinking) and Chicken Cha Cha Cha (another strategy game - she hasn't been able to beat one child yet!)
 - both new games they love!  I WANT Qwirkle.  smile
Mom3 shared a new product her girls are enjoying -  Exploring Creation with Anatomy Notebook   
Mom6 shared about another HS mom and how she is doing job shadowing with her older children and how well it is working.  That was quite encouraging to hear.  Be creative in giving your older kids exposure to possible careers.  Sometimes they check it out through job shadowing and find out it isn't what they thought it was and that they don't want to do it. 
Mom7 shared the below blog and how it touched her.  She also related it to HSing and the lack of support there is for that.  (A family of 9 going into full time missions)
There was also some discussion of when our children have or are planning on graduating:
         Girl 1 (17) - left for College and did well.   Boy 2 (18) still needs a bit more time before leaving. 
         Girl 2 and Girl 3 graduated when they should, but one regrets not taking another year and studying some more.  Once HSing is done, and they are working full time or going to school full time, that time of leisurely learning is gone.
         Girl 4 is taking another year, too.  She started school early and just isn't ready to finish yet.  Another mom shared about her boys, too.  Boy 2 isn't that interested finishing *on time* (what a thought - what about doing what is best for each child VS just doing what everyone does....?) amd Boy3 wants to be done at 18, but is not being diligent in finishing what he needs to do.  There are so many other interests to work on .......
It was also mentioned that older students thrive in secondary education - know where they are going and are motivated to get there.  This isn't to dissuade any one child who is ready to graduate, but taking another year to finish up some classics or do some more studying hasn't hurt anyone, either.  Your child can get funding in Alberta until they are 20 in Sept.  (fyi)
So, there is our last Home School Support Group Meeting.  I really feel for the families in rural Alberta without a local Home School Support Group.  Home Educating our children is a wonderful thing to do, but it is draining at times and a Support Group meeting is sometimes all you need to keep going.  Hope you enjoyed reading this - no matter where you live!{jcomments off}